News Post

News from us
08 May 2015

Vocalist Wanted

Vocalist Wanted


 icon-check-circle-o A right of a source and lyrics will be bought by T.O:).
 icon-check-circle-o Parents’ agreement is needed in case of an underage person.
 icon-check-circle-o You also appear on promotional video.
 icon-check-circle-o We bear the expenses.
 icon-check-circle-o A live is also performed; so it’s limited to the person who can appear on live broadcasting.
 icon-check-circle-o The name of the singer will be indicated after “featuring”.

 icon-angle-rightThe person who takes an interest makes a contact to below, please.

    Name (Required)

    Mail Address (Required)

    Self Promotion

    Burning // T.O
    1. Burning // T.O
    2. MajorDance // T.O
    3. Think back // T.O
    4. By my side // T.O
    5. Best Friend // T.O
    6. Waka Waka // T.O
    7. Broke my heart // T.O